Аронниковые - Araceae
The Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually…
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Водокрасовые - Hydrocharitaceae
Hydrocharitaceae is a flowering plant family including 16 known genera with a total of ca 135 known species (Christenhusz & Byng 2016 ), that including a number…
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Сусаковые - Butomaceae
Butomus is the only known genus in the plant family Butomaceae, native to Europe and Asia.
The Butomaceae family has been recognized by most taxonomists as a…
The Butomaceae family has been recognized by most taxonomists as a…
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Триостренниковые - Juncaginaceae
Juncaginaceae is a family of flowering plants, recognized by most taxonomists for the past few decades. It is also known as the arrowgrass family. It includes 3…
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Частуховые - Alismataceae
The water-plantains are a family of flowering plants, comprising 11 genera and between 85 and 95 species. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution, with the…
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