Барбарисовые - Berberidaceae
The Berberidaceae are a family of 14 genera flowering plants commonly called the barberry family. This family is in the order Ranunculales. The family contains…
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Луносемянниковые - Menispermaceae
Menispermaceae (botanical Latin: 'moonseed family' from Greek mene 'crescent moon' and sperma 'seed') is a family of flowering plants. The alkaloid…
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Лютиковые - Ranunculaceae
Ranunculaceae (buttercup or crowfoot family; Latin rānunculus "little frog", from rāna "frog") is a family of over 2,000 known species of flowering plants in 43…
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Маковые - Papaveraceae
The Papaveraceae, are an economically important family of about 42 genera and approximately 775 known species of flowering plants in the order Ranunculales,…
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