Капустные - Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae or Cruciferae is a medium-sized and economically important family of flowering plants commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage…
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Каперсовые - Capparaceae
The Capparaceae (or Capparidaceae), commonly known as the caper family, are a family of plants in the order Brassicales. As currently circumscribed, the family…
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Кариковые - Caricaceae
The Caricaceae are a family of flowering plants in the order Brassicales, found primarily in tropical regions of Central and South America and Africa. They are…
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Клеомовые - Cleomaceae
The Cleomaceae are a small family of flowering plants in the order Brassicales, comprising about 300 species in 10 genera, or about 150 species in 17 genera.…
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Настурциевые - Tropaeolaceae
Tropaeolum , commonly known as nasturtium (literally "nose-twister" or "nose-tweaker"), is a genus of roughly 80 species of annual and perennial herbaceous…
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Резедовые - Resedaceae
Resedaceae is a family of mostly herbaceous dicotyledonous plants comprising 107 known species in 8 to 12 genera:
Recent molecular studies suggest that…
Recent molecular studies suggest that…
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